Individual, Company or legal entities registrations are allowed for .sa. The Registrant must provide a copy of a registered trademark in Saudi Arabia matching the domain name or provide company incorporation documents of a company in Saudi Arabia. A letter on the official letterhead of your organization addressed to SaudiNIC requesting the domain name registration is also required. Local administrative contact required. Individuals must have a Copy of Saudi national identification card or equivalent document issued by the Ministry of Interior of Saudi Arabia. The registrant cannot be underage. Violating rights to third parties, names, and activities that are illegal, offensive or criminal are prohibited. You will need a trademark/brand name to register .sa. WHOIS Privacy service isn’t available for .sa. The domain registration time frame for .sa is 2 Months.
Don’t Have All of These Requirements for Saudi Arabia .sa?
Our trustee service provides the required local contact information.Trustee service for this extension requires the following information: Copy of Registered trademark in Saudi Arabia or Saudi company incorporation documents required. Trustee service provides the local administrative contact. Contact sales at to know about our Trustee fee.